
The Gymnasium Facility is a modern, high-tech space designed to make your workout experience as smooth and comfortable as possible. With soothing lighting and ambient music, you can focus on your workout without being distracted by the outside world. Whether you’re running on our treadmill or lifting weights in our fitness center, you’ll feel like you’re in an oasis of wellness.

Operation Hours: 7.00 a.m – 10.00p.m
For Men:
√  Full tracksuit
√  Combination of tracksuit trousers and t-shirt
For Ladies:
√  Full tracksuit
√  Combination of tracksuit trousers and t-shirt
√ Leotards with or without tight are permitted for ladies
Prohibited: Boxer, Short, Singlet, Bar Bodied, Food, Drinks, Smoking
Members must register at the Sports & Recreation Registration Counter
Fees : Strictly for members only